Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trying to take a shower and the door bell rings......

Today was another beautiful day.  The sun was shining birds where singing etc.  So I decided it would be a good Idea to take my kids to a new play ground I had seen one base. But since I woke up late I needed to get a shower and the kids where up at this time.  Never a good Idea when the kids are awake, But I thought I can do this as long as I shut and lock the front door and close the gate that only allows the kids to get to there room and the bathroom not a problem.  I'll even leave the bathroom door open so they know I haven't disappeared on them. I start the shower, get undressed, step into the shower barely get my hair wet...the door bell rings. I think about ignoring it, but it is unusal for my door bell to ring most people I know just knock and if my front door is shut then they know I am busy. So I step out of the shower can't find the towel I had in there and look for my robe.  Nothing so I try to get into my room but my hands are wet the door knob wont turn.  I go to the door and say hold on a min.  I finally get into my room and find my robe.  Go to the door and who is it some guy going around giving flyers out for some night club his church runs.  By this time my son is crying and my daughter wants to go outside.  (BTW there is no soliciting in my neighborhood it its posted when you drive in), I take the flyer shut the door and get the kids back to there room or the bathroom. Shut the gate and try again.  By this time what I could have done in 5 min with out my kids freaking out on me has taken my 15 min.  So I start again I get my hair wet and so far so good.  Then my son starts to scream because he can't see me.  I grab my shampoo and start to play blind peekaboo with him.  He is not happy with that so I start to talk to him telling him to please let mommy get clean and we will play.  He screams louder.  But by this time I am almost done with washing my hair.  I look down at my legs grr of coarse I need to shave today it's going to be 85 today so I grab my razor and about this time my daughter is in there mommy what are you doing? Taking a shower. Why mommy?  Mommy needs to. Mommy you smell?  I did.  But mommy I want to play. Let me get done sweetie. Mommy what are you doing?  I don't know what am I doing?  You are nakkey mommy and taking a shower.  Yes dear. Mommy you are silly.  Go play but mommy I love you.  I am now done.  OK kids mommy has taken another shower with no peace I am done.  I get out of the shower find my misplaced towel my soon has left in the hall way for me.  They follow me to my room.  Mommy you need cloths on.  I am trying to as my son wants to crawl up my towel to stand.  I finally get dressed and ready its now been 45 min.  I called my mom and said I am sorry for every time I wouldn't give you 10 min.  I  just woke and and am already thinking is it nap time yet.

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