Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Mommy

Yesterday I had to go get some blood work done.  When I came home my daughter saw the band aids and said mommy you have boo-boo's.  I tired to explain that mommy had to go to the doc so I could get better.  She came over and gave me a big wet kiss on both my cheeks and gave me a big hug and said all better now.  I just smiled and said hugs and kisses from you always make me better.  But she was still very upset.  She is such a little mommy.  Once I took off the band aids and took my meds she claimed down.  It goes to show you that sometimes your kids do pay attention to what you do and say.

-Semper Fi


  1. Thank you for reading. I am still new at blogging trying to find the in's and out's of it.
