Monday, April 25, 2011

My lap is never empty

Some days well most days it seems my lap is never empty.  Between the two kids and dog creature is always wanting my attention. More like demanding this.  From the time I open my bed room door till I go to bed its mommy mommy mommy.  Its not always a bad thing.  I enjoy what life has given me.  But at the same time I would like to be able to sit down for more then two seconds without have to give my attention to someone.  For example most night after I lay the kids down and try to put my house back together. I sit down to relax and what is next the my lovable dog she is either begging to go out and needs more food and water, and of course it has to be right this second she wont wait either.  Then I can sit down for a few min.  But by 10pm she is looking at me like mom when are you going to sleep.  She comes up a nudges me.  Whines a little bit goes and sniffs at my bedroom door and comes back. Then she either climbs up in my lap to get loved on or she sits on the sofa and pouts and sulks till I get up and go to bed.  I find it funny that even my dog thinks she knows when I need to go to bed.  When its time to go to sleep she jumps on my bed and digs in the pillows till she is comfortable and heaven help me if I try to so we battle it out for a few minutes...ok more like 30 but who's counting right. Then we can go to sleep.
-Semper Fi

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