Monday, April 25, 2011

It all goes to fast

It seems like yesterday I gave birth to my kids.  I blinked and now my oldest is three and a big flirt, and my son is 15 months old and getting into everything.  I sometimes miss the days when I could just set them in one place and know that when I came back into the room they would still be in the same place.  But on the other hand watching them grow and become there own little person is amazing to me.  Today  both my kids where out on catwalk playing with the cozy coup. My daughter was helping her brother get into it and pushing him around.  They where both laughing and having a great time.   It was amazing to just sit back and watch them play.  It still seems new to me.  I know that I will blink again and they will be grown and out of the house.  I will miss them.  But for now I can enjoy all the little things as I watch them grow. 

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