Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I found my desk.

I can now see the top of my desk.  Its amazing I found a couple things that I lost.  Now lets see how long this will last.  Knowing me it will be piled up in about a week.  It seems that when ever I come into the house I put everything on my desk.  As for now I am going enjoy it.  Well my son is now up.  So I am sure I am about to have to clean up in his wake. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Mommy

Yesterday I had to go get some blood work done.  When I came home my daughter saw the band aids and said mommy you have boo-boo's.  I tired to explain that mommy had to go to the doc so I could get better.  She came over and gave me a big wet kiss on both my cheeks and gave me a big hug and said all better now.  I just smiled and said hugs and kisses from you always make me better.  But she was still very upset.  She is such a little mommy.  Once I took off the band aids and took my meds she claimed down.  It goes to show you that sometimes your kids do pay attention to what you do and say.

-Semper Fi

Rain Rain Go away

Rain Rain go away I want to take my kids out to play!  Spring is one of my favorite times of year.  The weather is warming up but not to hot.  Flowers are blooming, birds and squirrels come out to play.  But for some reason it always wants to rain and I know its better for it to rain then not too.  But now that is warmer and I can let me kids run free at the park and burn off this excess energy it rains.  Oh well there is always tomorrow!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My lap is never empty

Some days well most days it seems my lap is never empty.  Between the two kids and dog creature is always wanting my attention. More like demanding this.  From the time I open my bed room door till I go to bed its mommy mommy mommy.  Its not always a bad thing.  I enjoy what life has given me.  But at the same time I would like to be able to sit down for more then two seconds without have to give my attention to someone.  For example most night after I lay the kids down and try to put my house back together. I sit down to relax and what is next the my lovable dog she is either begging to go out and needs more food and water, and of course it has to be right this second she wont wait either.  Then I can sit down for a few min.  But by 10pm she is looking at me like mom when are you going to sleep.  She comes up a nudges me.  Whines a little bit goes and sniffs at my bedroom door and comes back. Then she either climbs up in my lap to get loved on or she sits on the sofa and pouts and sulks till I get up and go to bed.  I find it funny that even my dog thinks she knows when I need to go to bed.  When its time to go to sleep she jumps on my bed and digs in the pillows till she is comfortable and heaven help me if I try to so we battle it out for a few minutes...ok more like 30 but who's counting right. Then we can go to sleep.
-Semper Fi

It all goes to fast

It seems like yesterday I gave birth to my kids.  I blinked and now my oldest is three and a big flirt, and my son is 15 months old and getting into everything.  I sometimes miss the days when I could just set them in one place and know that when I came back into the room they would still be in the same place.  But on the other hand watching them grow and become there own little person is amazing to me.  Today  both my kids where out on catwalk playing with the cozy coup. My daughter was helping her brother get into it and pushing him around.  They where both laughing and having a great time.   It was amazing to just sit back and watch them play.  It still seems new to me.  I know that I will blink again and they will be grown and out of the house.  I will miss them.  But for now I can enjoy all the little things as I watch them grow. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rants for a frustrated wife

When most wives find out that My husband has been in Japan for 20 mths, have missed the the birth of both our kids and been on work ups or deployments they ask me how do you handle it.  Well truth be known I do not know. All I know is my kids need me.  I get up I go about my day.  If we are lucky we get to talk to daddy when we wake via skype. It has helped a lot.  I notice that the day goes more smoothly when we talk.  The time difference makes it more difficult for us to talk.  Since when we wake up daddy is going to sleep or already passed out.  Right now tho my biggest issue is that in Aug will be two years.  Since he left. But we have no orders as of yet.  It worries me.  Keeps me up at night.  When my three year old daughter ask me when daddy is coming home I have to say I don't know or soon baby.  If only we had a relative date on where and when we could be together again.  I try to keep my head up and I try not to scream cry and curse,  but sometimes it is hard.  Sometimes I feel I  have a few screws lose even threw all the Marines have put us threw I love the Marine Corps. I respect the men and women who serve our great country. That being said I do not like the unknown and yes I know that life speically with the military is a great unknown, But I would really like to know what to tell my kids when they ask when daddy is coming home.  Or my family that ask me at least 3 times a week.  With a deployment I kinda knew.  I had a support system with the unit.  Other wives that are going threw the same thing.  As of now I know nothing.  Have no one to commiserate with.  It's hard.  I keep going for my kids and my husband.  I keep sane in the fact that my husband loves me and wishes he was not there.  I miss him.  I tell him that all the time.  It doesn't seem to encompass all the feeling I have.  I don't only miss him, I long for him to be here, to share in the joys and the trials.  To watch our kids grow. To be able to look at him while I am around the house.  To talk to him threw out the day.  To feel his arms around me at night. But as always, I keep my head up and I pray for him to come home. 

-Semper Fi

P.S. Dear Monitor where are our Orders.

Grimblins are afoot

Have you ever felt that your house is taking control over you and not the other way around?  It seems to me that no matter how much I clean my house it never seems clean. Maybe it the two grimblins running around that call me mom that have taken over.  I love my grimblins (aka kids) but every time I turn around there is a mess.  I am slowly trying to turn them back into children that will help mommy out.  My three year old helps sometimes and well the 15 mth old is not quiet old enough to understand not to play in the dog food, mop my carpet or pull books down. Well maybe that not accurate he knows not to do these thing....I know this because he waits till my back is turned to get into theses things. Which I imagine that he thinks this is great fun and wonder why mommy gets upset. I can only hope when my husband gets home that the extra set of eyes will prevent this from happening.  Not going to hold my breath on that but here is too hope.  Well time go finish Easter dinner and cleaning before my mother comes over.  Little man is down for a nap right now maybe I can get stuff done.
Wish me Luck

Semper Fi

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trying to take a shower and the door bell rings......

Today was another beautiful day.  The sun was shining birds where singing etc.  So I decided it would be a good Idea to take my kids to a new play ground I had seen one base. But since I woke up late I needed to get a shower and the kids where up at this time.  Never a good Idea when the kids are awake, But I thought I can do this as long as I shut and lock the front door and close the gate that only allows the kids to get to there room and the bathroom not a problem.  I'll even leave the bathroom door open so they know I haven't disappeared on them. I start the shower, get undressed, step into the shower barely get my hair wet...the door bell rings. I think about ignoring it, but it is unusal for my door bell to ring most people I know just knock and if my front door is shut then they know I am busy. So I step out of the shower can't find the towel I had in there and look for my robe.  Nothing so I try to get into my room but my hands are wet the door knob wont turn.  I go to the door and say hold on a min.  I finally get into my room and find my robe.  Go to the door and who is it some guy going around giving flyers out for some night club his church runs.  By this time my son is crying and my daughter wants to go outside.  (BTW there is no soliciting in my neighborhood it its posted when you drive in), I take the flyer shut the door and get the kids back to there room or the bathroom. Shut the gate and try again.  By this time what I could have done in 5 min with out my kids freaking out on me has taken my 15 min.  So I start again I get my hair wet and so far so good.  Then my son starts to scream because he can't see me.  I grab my shampoo and start to play blind peekaboo with him.  He is not happy with that so I start to talk to him telling him to please let mommy get clean and we will play.  He screams louder.  But by this time I am almost done with washing my hair.  I look down at my legs grr of coarse I need to shave today it's going to be 85 today so I grab my razor and about this time my daughter is in there mommy what are you doing? Taking a shower. Why mommy?  Mommy needs to. Mommy you smell?  I did.  But mommy I want to play. Let me get done sweetie. Mommy what are you doing?  I don't know what am I doing?  You are nakkey mommy and taking a shower.  Yes dear. Mommy you are silly.  Go play but mommy I love you.  I am now done.  OK kids mommy has taken another shower with no peace I am done.  I get out of the shower find my misplaced towel my soon has left in the hall way for me.  They follow me to my room.  Mommy you need cloths on.  I am trying to as my son wants to crawl up my towel to stand.  I finally get dressed and ready its now been 45 min.  I called my mom and said I am sorry for every time I wouldn't give you 10 min.  I  just woke and and am already thinking is it nap time yet.

To sleep or not to sleep

Well again it is way to late for me to be awake.  Sleep does not come easy when you are searching for your husband, and all you get is a pillow and you find yourself throwing it against the wall. No matter how long or how short he is gone I search for him. There is a comfort in that I think.  Well now that this is said I need to go get some sleep the kids will wake up and there is no need for mommy to be grumpy.

I am new to this

I am new to blogging.  So please be patient with me.   I am a stay at home mom, with two wonderful kids.  My DH and I are almost done we hope with a two year unaccompanied tour to Japan.  I miss him so much.  We are awaiting orders now not so patiently.  I know he must be as tired of hearing me say do we have orders yet as I am of say it.  I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have my 3 year old asking me when daddy was coming home and my family asking every time they call if I know anything yet. Other then that life is good, hectic but good. 

Semper Fi