Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial day

Today was a good day.  I started out by putting out the American Flag and The Marine corp flag with my kids. Then letting my daughter put up the plaque I have that says America on our door. Then we listened to the National anthem.  It was very pleasant way to start out the morning.  Followed by a couple cups of coffee to I could keep up with the kids.  Then I got started on the cleaning up and cooking.  The kids didn't help to much on cleaning but my 3 year old loved helping with the cooking.  My parents came over to start the briquette this morning.  Then mom, gwen and I headed for wal-mart after my son went to down for his nap. We came back and relaxed in between the last min prep work for the party.  The part was a nice success.  The kids only got into trouble a hand full of times. Plus we had enough food to feed an army.   My neighbor who just got back off the MUE really made my day.  When he saw I had the flags out for today you could really see in his eyes the gratitude of that small gesture.  So it was a very pleasant day.  I hope everyone else had a wonderful day.  Remember Memorial day is not just another day off of school or work.  It is to remember the veterans the ones that have fallen and the ones that are still here.  So if you know someone that has served thank them and pray if they are gone for a safe return.

-Semper Fi

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