Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial day

Today was a good day.  I started out by putting out the American Flag and The Marine corp flag with my kids. Then letting my daughter put up the plaque I have that says America on our door. Then we listened to the National anthem.  It was very pleasant way to start out the morning.  Followed by a couple cups of coffee to I could keep up with the kids.  Then I got started on the cleaning up and cooking.  The kids didn't help to much on cleaning but my 3 year old loved helping with the cooking.  My parents came over to start the briquette this morning.  Then mom, gwen and I headed for wal-mart after my son went to down for his nap. We came back and relaxed in between the last min prep work for the party.  The part was a nice success.  The kids only got into trouble a hand full of times. Plus we had enough food to feed an army.   My neighbor who just got back off the MUE really made my day.  When he saw I had the flags out for today you could really see in his eyes the gratitude of that small gesture.  So it was a very pleasant day.  I hope everyone else had a wonderful day.  Remember Memorial day is not just another day off of school or work.  It is to remember the veterans the ones that have fallen and the ones that are still here.  So if you know someone that has served thank them and pray if they are gone for a safe return.

-Semper Fi

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day one of : two wemon, two kids,and one dog

So its been a few days since i blogged.  I guess you could say I have been out and about to I could find something to blog about.  I went on a little road trip over the past weekend.  It started out with my mom and two kids and dog.  Came back with another dog and my sister.  The trip on map quest said it should have taken 4.38 hours there and 4.38 to get back.  Not bad we can make it in one day.  Well I soon remember that mapquest does not take into consideration two kids, two lady's that like to shop, and a dog.  So we broke the trip up into 2 days thank goodness.  Since I am the only one that drives.  (long story don't ask)  So we decide impromptu since mom got off work early on Friday we will go up that night and stay at a friends house.  About an hour away from where my sister is which is the goal for this trip.  So we get on the road about 1500.  By the time we stop and eat and go pee and let the dog out, and stop by a Burlington coat factory we get to the dinner we plan to meet at with mom's b/f. It is now 2130.  My kids are surprisingly well behaved this whole time.  Oh I forgot to tell you my mom didn't want to call her b/f to tell him we where coming because he would drive her crazy with worring and trying to cook for us.  We where only staying one day so there was no need for him to worry.  So when we get to the dinner.  Mom calls and says come meet us.  Luckly for everyone involved the kids slept on the trip.  So we get coffee and desert, and hang out there for about an hour.  Mom's b.f starts to worry about the state of his house and the guest bed room.  I remind him that I have two active kids and the mess can not be as worse as what they can make.  He then tell us there is a shotgun under the sofa ect. So we decide to go to the store to get some milk and juice for our stay there while he goes back and get the gun up and out of the way.  So by the time we get there it's now 2300.  So my son is past ready to get to bed.  Luckily we keep a pack-and-play there so I don't have to bring mine up.  We get it set up in the living room so he can rest.  While my three year old is just so happy to see pawpa. So my mom goes and looks up at the room.(Guest room)  It used to be my room when I lived up there with my mom and him.   It has been turned upside down.  Well maybe not upside down. But the bed has been piled up so high with random stuff that it would take at least 2 hours to dig my way to the bed and unload it.  Then when my daughter and I slept I would have to worry about her waking before I did and getting into something while I slept.  Oh and how was I supposed to get the pack-n-play up there.  So after a really short look I decide that we will all sleep in the living room.  We sit up till about 0100 in the morning.  My son is passed out by now but my daughter is still ready to go.  We get all settled down and get to sleep.  Gwen and I are sharing the sofa which is long but gwen keep trying to move so I can not get comfortable and stay on the sofa.  We finally get to sleep and I feel like its been 5 min.  But it is 0730 and my loving daughter is wide awake. Waking everyone up in the house.- More to continue on day two.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet dog or Rotten son.

I have a very loving dog and a rotten son. My kids had some cheezits in a bowl.  My dog was trying to eat them. My son knocked him out of the way and got to them. Then my son headbutts the dog. Instead of growling like most dogs would he just moves aside and my son eats some then give the dog some as well.  My son it is rotten and my dog is sweet!!