Wednesday, January 9, 2013

No one takes responsibility anymore!!!

Dear Reader Wake the Hell UP!!!!

     So here I was drinking my coffee look at Facebook when I see this Poster

I got so mad!!  Since when did we not have any of these options.  Why are people blaming others for there mistakes.  So what of morals?  If you don't want to play by the rules an innocent life has to be taken?  I can say from personal experiences that it is not because I did not have birth control, health care, or a high school education I got pregnant. I took my birth control and used condoms and got pregnant.  I took the precautions and I played.  Well I also paid.  I don't regret the decision to not kill my kids.  I kept them and I love them.  I was unmarried which was a problem but I took responsibility for what I did.  Now, granted, I am married now and yes to the father of my children. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, I got pregnant twice using birth control which I bought.  I didn't expect for someone else to pay for it.  Now I will admit I had to get medicaid for both kids since I didn't have insurance.  I was also on WIC.  Both are exceptional programs  I would not have made it with out them.  I was also ashamed to have to use them. I am happy to say I now have health insurance and I am no longer on WIC.  I got off WIC as soon as my Son was off formula, now you say why didn't I breastfeed, well... I did not produce milk so I needed help!! I could have received help from the state for both my children till they where 5 years old.  I know a lot of women who use it until they can no longer use it.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I chose to get off of it because I no longer needed it.  It was a shock the first couple of times I had to pay for it out of pocket but we, as a family, decided that we could make ends meet without it.  It would stretch our pay checks, but someone else in more need then we are now could benefit from it since we are doing much better.  But all the while I was ashamed to use it.  So, as soon as I could, I became independent of the system.  So that is a little of the history of my use of the system.  Please do not tell me I don't know what it is like to need help.  I needed help and I got it, but when I was back on my feet I took responsibility for my actions.

  Now when I found out I was pregnant, I never thought of getting an abortion to save myself the shame or guilt.  When I called my Mom and said I was pregnant she asked me what I was going to do about it and the first thing that came out mouth was "What do you mean?  What am I going to do about it?  I am going to have a baby" luckily my Mom stood by me.  I was 22 years old when this happened. 

So I had a high school education,  I had birth control, and I had access to health care, even if it was humiliating to use it.  Now people will say I could have saved myself a lot of shame by waiting till I was married to get pregnant and I would not disagree with any of them. They are very right. I took the precautions and it was not enough as you can see.  I didn't take the easy road.  I took my lumps and took responsibility for my actions.  Now I have learned lessons and I have two wonderful kids I would never trade the world for.  So please do not tell me that you can prevent abortion if they have a high school education, healthcare, or birth control.  You can prevent abortions by taking responsibility for your own actions. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spare Room

I now have my spare room almost complete.  We moved 2 1/2 mths ago. There was one room that I knew I wanted to be the office. I could just not find the time to fix it.  My loving husband helped me sort things out this weekend.  Today I finally finished it.  When we moved in here getting the rest of the house organized this was the room where everything we didn't need right away or had no clue what to do with went.  There is still a pile of stuff in the corner that we need to go threw.  All in all tho I have 98% done.   It feels great!



I have discovered that I really like having a garden.  Its always a new discovery when a flower blooms or I find a new vegetable is about to  pop up.  I would rather spend an hour getting pesky weeds out then cleaning the house.  I am finding with everything else going on in my life that it is very relaxing.  Even the worries I have about it seem to relax me.  This is the first garden I have had that was mine/hubbies. I grew up having gardens well my parents had one that the kids where not allowed to mess with.  Between my dog chasing birds and squirrels out of it and smashing plants and the kids trying to take there shovel to it,  I know why my parents said that.   I have a few cherry toms on my plant still green mind you but I had to call my husband at work and was doing a happy dance.  I get so excited every time I look at them and find something new. I am sure my husband and his co-workers laugh all the time.  I am always thought that I would kill anything i tried to grow.  I think now that I am not so self absorbed all the time I have the patients (well sometimes) to keep plants alive. Most of the time get impatient because I just want to see everything get ripe.  I know it will come soon and I will be busy trying to learn how to can, by the time its all said and done I will probably be ready for that faze to be over but right now I am just jumping up and down.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I love fall.  The cool evenings and early mornings the mild days are wonderful.  When I think of fall I think of pumpkin pies, apples, leaves changing and dusting the winter coats out. I walked outside last night to enjoy the cool weather and all I could think about is having a small fire.  (that would be very hard for us to do since we live on a second floor apartment)   I am really looking forward to my husband and kids carving pumpkins this year.  Somethings a mom does but daddies always do better. It is so much fun and a little daunting with the holidays coming up my (3 yr old almost 4). Is really starting to grasp Halloween and Christmas. She keeps telling me that there are scary ghost on halloween and she is going to be a Princess but not scary but brother is going to be a really scary pirate so the ghost will stay away. The things kids pick up on is amazing.  Now if she would understand that Santa is watching and she needs to be good.  The kids are about to wake up and hit the ground running.  I hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather as well.

-semper fi


Its been a crazy hectic time for us here.  Busy Busy  Busy.   My loving husband has been home for a couple of mths now.  Hard to think its been that long seems like he got home yesterday at least till I look and the laundry pile.  The kids are adjusting well.  The kids are not used to me having back up.  My oldest is always shocked when daddy gets home and he already knows when she has done something she shouldn't.  It's hard not to laugh with the look of total and utter shock on her face.  (text messages come in handy).  My youngest (21mths) is getting used to (I use that term Lightly) to not being the man of the house anymore.  So life is settling down for us now.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why do my kids think it is OK for me to help clean up there room when I didn't help mess it up?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Double ear infections all around

Both of my kids have a double ear infection.  So to say that today was not pleasant is an understatement. Luckily the kids took there meds and didn't fight.  My son ran away but didn't fight when I caught up to him. I put them down early for everyone one sanity.  I just went and checked on them.  They sleep like angels. I hope tomorrow is a better day and my kiddies feel better tomorrow.